
Rog ryujin 360 fan control
Rog ryujin 360 fan control

rog ryujin 360 fan control

Price, specifications and terms of offers are subject to change without notice. All Products sold by us require technically qualified PC hardware engineer for installation. Physical damage / Mishandling of product/Tampering of warranty stickers –do not cover warranty. Our responsibility ceases the moment goods leaves our warehouse. All goods are consigned at buyer’s risk and the company is not responsible for any loss, damage or pilferage in transit. It is also the duty of the buyer to immediately check at the counter physical condition of the purchased goods. The item is tested for physical damage at the point of sale and the company is not liable for the physical damage of item any more. Once invoice made cannot be modified or cancelled for any reasons thereof. Goods once sold will not be taken back or exchanged. Coupled with a LiveDash OLED that displays system stats or custom graphics and Aura Sync RGB lighting, ROG Ryujin is the ultimate thermal solution destined to become a vital part of your gaming rig. Featuring Noctua Industrial PPC fans for cooler and quieter operation, plus an embedded fan in the pump housing for additional cooling to the VRM and M.2, ROG Ryujin keeps your system running its absolute best. ROG Ryujin is the flagship all-in-one cooler for high-end builds designed to deliver the best thermal performance. Reinforced, sleeved tubing for increased durability.Styled to complement ROG motherboards, at the center stage of your build.Individually addressable RGB and NCVM coating pump cover accentuates the sleek, modern aesthetics.LiveDash one-stop control center for lighting and OLED display.Quality Noctua Industrial PPC PWM fans deliver high airflow and minimal noise.Embedded microfan helps to cool VRM and M.2 area by up to 20☌.1.77” color OLED for real-time system stats and personalized logos or animations.

Rog ryujin 360 fan control